1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer



Egg Nog Milk Rum Brandy- Egg Ice Nutmeg Sugar

Into a mixing glass half full of cracked ice put I jigger of brandy and J/2 jigger of rum, I fresh egg, i tablespoonful of sugar, and fill up -with fresh milk. Shake vigorously and strain into a gob let. Powder with nutmeg.

Egg Phosphate Egg Acid Phosphate Plain Syrup Seltzer Water Ice

Shake up a fresh egg, a teaspoonful of syrup, and 3 or 4 dashes of acid phos phate in a mixer half full of cracked ice. Strain into a Collins glass and fill with seltzer.

Egg Sour Egg Brandy

Shake well together i egg, i jigger of brandy, juice of lemon, I teaspoon- ful of sugar, and 4 or 5 lumps of ice. Strain into a small glass.

Lemon Juice Sugar Ice

Eldorado Punch Brandy Rye Whiskey St. Croix Rum

Into a mixer put jigger of brandy, 2 teaspoonfuls of syrup, i pony of rum, i pony of whiskey, 3 dashes of lemon juice, and fill with fine ice. Shake well and serve with straw. Berries.

Lemon Juice Syrup, Plain Ice


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