1933 The Bartender's Friend by a Mixer




Hot Claret Cup

In a heating vessel put i pt. of boiling water, i qt. of claret, a few drops of ginger essence, and i pony of ginger syrup. Heat (not boil), and serve hot in cup.

Claret Essence of Ginger Ginger Syrup Water

Hot Egg Nog Brandy

Beat up an egg and i tablespoonful of pulverized sugar. Pour into mixing glass, and add i jigger of brandy, and I pony of rum. Fill slowly with scalded milk (rapidly stirring the while), and shake, holding the shaker in a cloth. Pour into a tall warm glass and sprin kle with nutmeg.

Rum Milk Egg Sugar Nutmeg

Hot Gin Flip

Follow recipe for Hot Brandy Flip, substituting gin for brandy.

Hot Gin Sling

Follow recipe for Brandy Sling, sub stituting gin for brandy, and hot water to fill, instead of water and ice.

Hot Gin Toddy

Follow formula for Hot Brandy Toddy (which see), but use gin for brandy.

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