1933 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie

!J})e Bon Vivant's Companion


BALTIMORE EGGNOG 7or a party of ffieen

Take the yellow of sixteen eggs, twelve tablespoonfuls of pulverized sugar, and beat tbem to the consistency of cream; to this add two-tbirds of a nutmeg, grated, and beat well together; then mix in one-half pint of good brandy or Jamaica rum, and two wineglasses of Madeira wine. Have ready the whites of the eggs, beaten to a stiff froth, and beat them into the above mixture. "Wlien this is all done, stir in six pints of good rich milk. There is no heat used.


1 pound sugar 10 eggs (yolks should be separated) Beat yolks with sugar until dissolved Pour in 1 pint Martell brandy 1 wineglass Jamaica rum 3 quarts rich milk

Mix ingredients well with a ladle and stir continually while pouring in milk, to prevent curdling. Then beat whites of eggs and put on top of mixture. Serve.

GENERAL HARRISON'S EGGNOG lAse Urge bar glass 1 egg

1Yi teaspoonfuls of sugar 2 or 3 small lumps of ice

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