1933 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie


The 'Bon Vivant's Companion

Fill tumbler with cider and shake well. This is a splen did drink and very popular on the Mississippi River. It was General Harrison's favorite beverage. ^7^

SHERRY EGGNOG 1 tahlespoonful white sugar 1 egg 2 wineglasses of sherry

Dissolve the sugar with a little water; break the yolk of the egg into a large glass; put in one-quarter tumbler ful of broken ice; fill with milk, and shake up until the egg is thoroughly mixedwith the other ingredients; then grate a little nutmeg on top, and quaff the nedar cup.


ARDSLEY COOLER lAse targe itjin glass Large piece of ice Large spray of mint 1 jigger High and Dry gin 1 bottle imported ginger ale Drink with nose to mint.

7he man we Cove— Tfe who thinks the mo§t good, and speaks the lea§t ill oj his neighbors.

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