1933 The Bon Vivant's Companion by George A Zabriskie

The Bon Vivant's Companion


PHILADELPHIA FISH-HOUSE PUNCH H pint of lemon juice % pound of white sugar 2)4. pints of cold water 1 pint of mixture (to make this mixture, take Mpint peachbrandy, Vi pint cognac, 14 pint Jamaica rum)

FRENCH FLAG Afier-dinner cordial grenadine H maraschino H creme d'Yvette

GIN PUNCH 1 tablespoonful raspberry syrup 2 tablespoonfuls white sugar

1 wineglass of water IH wineglasses of gin

V2 a small lemon 2 slices of orange 1 piece of pineapple Fill tumbler with shaved ice. Shake well, ornament with berries in season.

There's to a lon^ UJe

a merry one.

A cjuick death and an easy one, A pretty girl and a true one, A cold bottle and another one.

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