1933 The Cocktail Book Repeal Edition (New Revised Edition)

Brandy Gjcktail—Fancy.

Use Mixing Glass. '^^HREE dashes maraschino;two dashei Vk Boker's bitters; one dash orange bit ters; one portion brandy. Fill with ice, mix, and strain into a cocktail glass, the rim of which has been moistened with a piece of lemon and dipped in powdered sugar. Brandy Cocktail—Old-fashioned. CRUSH lump of sugar in a whiskey glass with sufficient hot water to cover the sugar. Add one lump of ice; two dashes bitters; a small piece lemon peel; one portion brandy. Stir with small bar spoon. Serve, leaving spoon in glass. Use Mixing Glass. '^^0-THIRDS dry gin; one-sixth Ital- ^ian vermouth; one-sixth French ver mouth; orange juice and orange pulp. Fill with ice, shake well, and strain into a cocktail glass. Bronx Cocktai!.

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