1933 The Home Bartender

MOSELLE WINE COBBLER 1% jiggers Moselle Wine, ?2 jigger lemon 1u1ce, bar– spoon of sugar, stir, pour into glass full of clean shaved Ice. Stir and Serve. Fruits on top. CANADIAN COBBLER One jigger Canadian Club Whiskey, ~ jigger Curacao, juice' of % a lemon, sE}rve in glass filled with clean shaved Ice. Stir and Serve. Fruits on top. SCOTCH COBBLER 1 jigger Scotch imported Whiskey, juice of % a lemon, ~2 jigger of simple syrup, Mix and stir, pour into glass full of clean shaved ice. Stir and Serve. Fruits on top. SHERRY WINE COBBLER 1% jiggers of sherry wine, % jigger simple syrup, 1 crushed lemon peel, Stir, pour, glass that is full of fine shaved ice. Stir and Servf.'. Fruits on top. PORT WINE COBBLER 1% jiggers of port wine, 113 jigger simple syrup, Crushed lemon peel Stir, pour into glass full of clean shaved ice. Stir and Serve. Fruits on top. RUM COBBLER 1 jigger rum, juice of ;f a lemon, ;f jigger of simple syrup, stir, pour into goblet full of shaved ice. Stir and Serve. Fruits on top. WHISKEY COBBLER 1 jigger whiskey, juice of ;2 a l~mon, ;f jigger of simple syrup. Stir, pour into goblet full of shaved ice. Stir and ~erve.Fruits on top.


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