1933 The Home Bartender
SOURS Ice, Mix and Shake all liquids. Then Strain and pou1 into glass. Decorate fresh fruits on top of Drink. Serve. GIN SOUR Juice of ~2 a large lemon or 1 whole lemon, 1 barspoon of sugar, 1 jigger gin, Ice, Mix, Strain. Fruit on top. CANADIAN SOUR 1 jigger imported Canadian Whiskey, juice of ~2 a large lemon, 1 barspoon sugar, Ice, Mix and Strain. Fruits on top. WEE LASSIE SOUR • I jigger imported Scotch Whiskey, juice of % a .lemon, barspoon of sugar, Ice, Mix, and strain, fruits on top. WHISKEY SOUR Juice of % a lemon, one barspoon of sugar, one jigger Whiskey, Ice, Mix, Strain. Fruits on top. LOUISVILLE SOUR 1 jigger Kentucky bourbon Whiskey, 1 barspoon sugar, juice of ~2 a lemon, Ice, Mix, Strain, fruits on top. SLOE GIN SOUR Juice of ~2 a lemon, 1 jigger Sloe Gin, I barspoon of sugar, ice,- mix, and strain, place fruits on top. SILVER SOUR White of one fresh egg, 1 jigger bourbon whiskey, barspoon sugar, juice of ~2 a lemon, Ice, Mix, Strain. Fruits on top. JAMAICA SOUR One jigger Jamaica rum, one barspoon sugar, juice of ~2 a lemon, Ice, Mix. Serve, fruits on top. ST. REGIS SOUR Juice of ;f a lemon, 1 jigger Cognac, 1 barspoon sugar, Ice, Mix, strain, fruits on top. APPLE JACK SOUR 1 jigger apple-jack, Juice of % a lemon, 1 barspoon sugar, ice, Mix, strain. Fruits on top. GOLDEN SOUR I jigger Rum, yolk of one egg, I barspoon sugar, juice of ;f a lemon, Ice, Mix, Strain. Fruits on top.
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