1933 The Home Bartender


Simple syrup is made by dissolving granulated sugar to the consistency of syrup as follows, 12 pounds of granu– lated sugar to one gallon water, place sugar in clean pot with water, heat to boiling point, skim off impurities should any rise to the surface. When cool strain and pour into your containers or crock. When sugar and water is on the stove to cook, stir until the sugar is dissolved. In order to avoid granulation of sugar keep side of kettle free from grains or crystals that have a tendency to form there. This may be done with a rag squeezed out in cold water. If it does granulate it may be reboiled after adding more water (although this makes poor syrup). Do not jar kettle when pouring out or partial granulation may result. FRUITS AND JUICES 2 pints any fruit juice to 1 gallon of syrup, but don't put all in at once, put ~2 then balance till thickness of syrup is desired. Be sure teaspoon baking soda also 2 teaspoon vinegar is in simple syrup when made. Mix vinegar and soda good, then strain all through sieve. MARASCHINO SYRUP Strain the juice of a large sweet orange and pour it with a wine-glassful of water onT three ounces of sugar, boil it to a rather stiff bright syrup and then skim, add a quarter of _an ounce of bleached bitter almonds and a small quantity of lemon .rind, or the peel of a quarter of lemon may be rubbed off on lumps of sugar. When clear and thick strain and mix with a wineglassful of maraschino stirred into it. Maraschino is stilled from the juice of the Marasco cherry and flavored with broken kernels. Note:-If desired alcoholic add one jigger pure alcohol, and mix good.


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