1933 The Home Bartender

DAISIES Serve Daisies in a Glass that contains, clean shaved Ice. Aft er mixing Drink (don't use ice in mixing) pour into Glass and theil! stir with Spoon. Fruits on top. Sprig of Mint top also if desired. Serve. * a Lemon, 1 jigger imported Canadian Whis– key, ~2 jigger Raspberry Syrup, Mix, serve in glass that contains shaved ice, fruits on top. CLUB DAISY 2 jiggers Rhine Wine, juice of % a lime also juice of % a lemon, % jigger of Grenadine syrup, mix, serve in glass with shaved ice and fruits on top. GORDON DAISY 1 jigger gordon gin, juice of % lemon and ~2 lime, ~2 jigger raspberry syrup, mix, serve in glass with cleaned shaved ice, fresh fruits on top. * lime, 1 jigger imported scotch whiskey, % jigger of simple syrup, Mix, serve in glass filled with shaved ice, Fruit on top, stir. KENTUCKY DAISY 1 jigger Kentucky Bourbon, ;2 juice of lime, % juice ot lemon, % jigger of simple syrup, Mix, serve in glass filled with clean shaved ice. Fruit on top, stir. * lime, ~2 jigger raspberry syrup. Mix, serve in glass filled with clean shaved ice. CANADIAN DAISY Juice of LAUDER'S DAISY Juice of % lemon, juice RUM DAISY 1 jigger of rum, juice of


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