1933 The Home Bartender

ORANGE ADE 2 jiggers orange juice, 1 barspoon of sugar, 1 cup of ice, stir with barspoon, serve with round orange slice, Cherry and straw container. PLAIN MILK SHAKE H pint, (8 oz. glass) milk, any flavor desired, Ice, Mix, and serve· with straw container, nutmeg top if desired. TEMPERANCE COCK TAIL Mix % cup juice of pineapple, 1 tablespon• of honey, pinch _of salt and dash of lemon juice or (1 or 2 tablespoons to suit,) Ice, Mix, serve in Cocktail glasses. Orange juice may be added if preferred. ICE CREAM SODAS Use any flavor desired, 1 jigger. One dipper of lee Cream,_ ·~2 jigger pure cream, Fizz with seltzer, stir, leave spoon m glass. SODAS AND FRESH FRUITS Place cube of Ice in lemonade glass use any flavor de– sired of Soda Water, Ice, Mix, Serve with nutmeg. FLORIDA ORANGEADE 5 large oranges also 3 large lemons. Take out juice of both, 1 cup sugar, 5 cups wat111", Ice, Mix and serve in pitcher conta~ning ice for 8 ·or 9 guests. CHERRY TEA 2 cups cherry juice, ~ cup sugar, 2 cups black tea, 1 cup water, Ice, Mix, and serve in glass pitcher that con– tains a piece of ice. PINEAPPLE PUNCH 1 No. 2 can pineappk diced and with iu1ce 2 oranges, 2 lemons sliced very thin, cubes of Pineapple very small, add 2 quarts of Appolonaris Water, also 1 jigger simple syrup, ·serve in Punch Bowl, Mix good, serve in punch cups, keep cold always. Sprig of mint if desired, also mixed fruits diced.


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