1933 The Home Bartender

APRICOT BRANDY Put good sound pitted apricots into pot .with water to cover, boil till tender, then remove the skins to e.ach pound apricots, 1 pound loaf sugar, and wine glassful of water, boil sugar and pour over Apricots, let it stand 24 hours, then bottle, older it is the better. ORANGE GIN Rind of three oranges (no whites) and ;2 lemon rind (no whites) put it into a jar with a quart of gin, three quarters of a pound barley, sugar crushed to powder and the strained juice of the fruit cover. Jar tightly and leave it for three weITT!:s, shake every three days after wards. Strain into bottles, Cork and store. Gin improves with keeping. ยท SWEET ADELINE Fill lemonade glass half full clean shaved ice add ~2 barspoon sugar, ;2 juice of lemon, ;2 juice of orange, fill with Burgundy Wine, fresh fruits top. SARATOGA GIRL 1 jigger Brandy juice of one lime, % barspoon sugar, 1 pony pineapple juice, 2 dashes yellow Chartruese, Mix Ice, Strain and fill with Saratoga water, cube of ice. YANKEE GRIT 1 jigger Kentucky Bourbon, ;2 jigger Creme de Menthe, Sprig of mint top. Serve in Collins Glass imported Soda Water top, stir, Cube of ice in z!ass. QUEEN OF SPADES Two jigge.rs Claret, juice of % a lime, dash of raspberry syrup, ice, mix and serve in Collins glass; imported ginger Ale top, also Fresh fruits. LUCKY ROSE l/ 3 jigger Creme de Menthe, 1/ 3 jigger of Brandy, 1/ 3 jigger Rum, 1 harspoon sugar, 1 jigger fresh cream, ice, mix, serve with soda Water, fruit top.

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