1933 The Home Bartender

EYE OPENER First Drink of the day usually Gin or Whiskey with a . chaser. ROCK AND RYE Good for a very bad cold. 1 pound rock Candy or one cup of simple syrup t o one quart of Rum, S~otch or Bra,nd, Choice of one. Break Candy up and put it in con– tainer with Strained Juice of • 3 Lemons and rind of * lemon cut extremely small, shake and leave stand 48 hours. Add a littlE.· simple syrup if desired to thicken or sweeten, 74 can crushed pineapple if desider also juice of 1 lemon, mix all good and put in cool place tightly covered. RHINE WINE AND SELTZER Fill glass half full with rhine wine other * full with Seltzer from syphon, Cube ice in glass stir thoroughly, lemon peel top if desired. * a lemon, 1 fresh egg, 1 jigger Bacardi Rum, ~!? a jigger syrup, Ice, Mix, and serve in lemonadE.• glass with cold white rock water, also cube ice, cherry, Orange, Pineapple, Lemon on top. QUICK CURE FOR INTOXICATION % glass of water containing heaping teaspoon Bicarb of Soda. Stir before serving, then Drink contents of glass. Wait four minutes then induce vomitting with fingers of right hand down throat and coughing very heavy. When Stomach is Cleansed take juice of one lemon mixed with 74 spoon salt. Gargle: and rinse mouth and throat, cold water after. Tlien drink a cup of black coffe, no cream or sugar. Give a whiff of ammonia to clear head, if desired. PLEASANT GIRL Juice of

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