1933 The Home Bartender

LILLIAN WAGNER Mix well one whit e of egg and one barspoon lemon juice, 1 jigger gin, 1 jigger Cream, bar spoon sugar, Ice, Mix and serve with soda water, stir. A cherry, slice o1 orange and sprig mint on top. KISS IN THE DARK Juice of ; 2 a lime, 1/ 3 jigger Brandy, 1/ 3 jigger rum, 1/ 3 jigger r aspberry syrup. Ice, Mix, serve with gingerale cherry on top. COSTERS DREAM 1 nip dogs head bass AIE:, 1 nip of McGuinness Stout, Pour contents of both bottles while cold at the same t ime into very very large beergoblet, then fill with draught Beer. POUSSE CAFE NO. 1 1/ 5 raspbt'rry syrup, 1/ 5 Maraschino, 1/ 5 Creme de Men– the (Green), 1/ 5 Curaca.o Brown, 1/ 5 Yellow Chartreuse. Serve in pousse cafe glass. POUSSE CAFE NO. 2 1/5 .Grenadine Syrup, 1/ 5 Creme Yvette, 1/ 5 Green Chartreuse, 1/ 5 Cognac, 1/ 5 Anisette. Serve in Pousse Cafe Glass. WHISKEY STRAIGHT Any drink of whiskey with Chaser if asked for. SUISSESS One white of an egg, ;4 jigger of Anisette, ?4 jigger white absinthe, Barspoon sugar, Ice, Mix, Strain into glass, fizz if desired. RACE TRACK SPECIAL 1 jigger Bourbon Whiskey, ;i; jigger French Vermouth, l barspoon sugar, juice of ; 2 a lemon, Ice, Mix, serve with rube of ice, Ginger Ale. Sprig mint, cherry on top.


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