1933 The Home Bartender

GINGER BEER Take rind of 4 lemons thinly peeled (no whites) put in large earthenware pan or pot with strained juice of lemons, 2 ounces crushed sugar, ~2 ounce of Cream of Tartar, Pout over these ingrediE:ftts, 2* gallons of boiling water, and when luke warm add I cake of fresh yeast, stir all, let ferment until the next day. Skim yeast from top, pour the beer and Strain through muslin or thicker cloth and bottle. It will be ready in 5 days. * jigger of Bourbon Whis– key, 2 da.shes orange bitters, 2 dashes absinthe. In claret glass soda water top Twist lemon peel, orange, cherry and piece of pineapple on top. Jigger, a me.asure or container used in measuring liquids for making drinks. Pony, A glass used for Liqueurs or Cordials. Growler, A can or container used for purchasing Draught beer. SUISETTE % jigger Brandy, % jigger of Italian Vermouth, 1 Bar– spoon sugar, 3 dashes absinthe, % jigger lemon juice, Ice, Mix and serve with seltzer. YANKEE BOY 1 jigger Brandy Hennessey's, ~2 jigger ora nge JU1ce, spoon lemon juice, 1 barspoon of sugar, Ice, Mix and serve with Soda Water in lemonade glass that contains cube of ice, cherry top. BRANDY FLOAT Fill Pony Glass with 3 Star Hennessey Brandy. Then put Whiskf.'.Y glass over the top and reverse glasses. Hold tight so brandy won't le11k out. Then set down and fill with seltzer, take out pony gently. -56- ROSIE O'GRADY % jigger Italian Vermouth,

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