1933 The Home Bartender

CURE BAD COLDS 1 jigger Ro ck and Rye, % jigger Good Rum of Whiskey, Mix with little hot water and juice of ;;? a lemon and stir. Then t ake hot bath and retire to bed. CURE BAD COLDS FOR CHILDREN Dilute Rock a nd Rye at least half and fill glass with hot water and little lemon juice, Take Bath, (hot) and re– tire to bed. TIT FLOAT Pony of Curacao, whip LTeam top. Small red cherry center. MAIDEN'S DREAM g4 Jigger benedictine, whipped cream, float on top. SWEET BABY 1 jigger Brandy, 1 white: of egg, % spoon sugar, Ice, .. Mix, Strain into Glass and Fizz with Siphon. PRINCE GEORGE 1 Jigger Benedictine, % a limt·, fizz with Seltzer. JERSEY LILY 1 Jigger Benedictine Whiskey, 2 dashes Orange BitteTS. Seltzer for chaser. WHISKEY LEMONADE FLOAT Plaim Lemonade. Float Jigger of Whiskey on top. Serve. - IRISH ROSE Jigger imported Irish whiskey, 4 dashes grenadine syrup. Charge with Seltzer. POUSSE L'AMOUR . 1/ 3 Jigger Maraschino· syrup, 1 yolk of egg, 1/ 3 Jigger benedictine, l/~ Jigger brandy, Ice, Mix, Strain and Serve. FRAPPE Ice: frozen to the consistencey of mush. LIMEADE Make same as lemonade this book. Use limes instead. ANGOSTURA GINGER ALE Glass Ginger Ale, 3 dashes of Angostura Bitters.

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