1933 The Home Bartender

ALE OR BEER PUNCH (English) Put into bowl one quart ofl Ale or beer, one wine glass full of Sherry Wine, glass full of Brandy. A tablespoon of powdered sugar, the peel and juice of one lemon, strain juice, a little grated nutmeg and a piece of ice in bowl, mix and stir. Serve. BEER OR ALE FLIP PUNCH (English) Three pints of Ale, 1 tablespoon sugar, 1 blade of Mace, a clove, and a small piE.'ce of butter in a sauce pan and bring to a boil. Beat; white of one egg and yolks of two and mix with them a tablespoon of cold beer or ale. Mix all together thoroughly and rapidly to froth and serve Wal'lll. ALE OR BEER SANGAREE (English) Put i:nto mixer, half pint of boiling hot ale' or beer, 3 jiggers of shEny and 2 barspoons powdered sugar, the peel and juice of one lemon, a little grated nutmeg, sE-rve in Tom and ] erry mugs. Note:-By serving with ice it may be used as a summer drink. NIGHT CAP (English) Simmer half a pint of alE' and when on the boiling point pour it out. Grate ~5th of a nutmeg over it and add a teaspo01Dful of moist sugar and two tablespoonsful of brandy. Drink the night .cap the last thing before retiring. BARN YARD COCKTAIL (AMERICAN) Glass of beer, raw egg top, serve• with salt or Wor– cestershire sauce'. HALF AND HALF (ENGLISH) Fill glass :i.2 full Stout, other ~2 Beer or else, :i.2 full of ale other :i.2 bE.'er or else ~2 full of Ba~s ale ot!'er :i.2 Stout, and serve with fish and chips. (Broil fish with butter or olive oil, season, serve with French fried potatoes and a slice of lemon. This drink with above dish is e'Xtremely popular throuzhout England.


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