1933 When good fellows get together (Drink and service manual)

Cooler—Rocky Mountain. (use large bar glassl 1 egg, well beaten. Yl tablespoon powdered sugar. Juice of one small lemon. % glass Cider. Stir well. Grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve. Juice of '/2 lemon. 1 bottle Ginger Ale. 2 ice cubes. Stir well. Remove ice before serving. Couperee. (use a large bar glass) XYl pony glasses Brandy. 1 pony glass of Curacoa (red). Rill glass one-third full with ice cream-. Mix well. Fill balance with plain soda. Top with a little grated nutmeg. Crusta—Brandy, (use small bar glass) 2 or 3 dashes gum syrup. 1 dash bitters, Angostura or Bokcr's. 1 wineglass Brandy. 2 dashes Curacoa. 1 dash lemon juice. Before mixing, prepare a cocktail glass as follows: Rub a slice of lemon around rim of glass. Dip it in pulverized sugar, which will then cling to its edge. Peel one-half lemon in one long piece, so that all of it will fit in the wineglass. Pour ingredients into a small whiskey glass filled one-third with shaved ice. Shake well, and strain into the frosted cocktail glass. Crusta—Gin. Prepare same as Brandy Crusta, substitut- iing Gin for Brandy. Cooler—Saratoga, (use large bar glass) 1 teaspoon powdered sugar.

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