1933 When good fellows get together (Drink and service manual)

Punch—Arrack, (use bar glass)

1 tablespoon sugar, dissolved in a little water. 1 or 2 dasbes lemon juice. 1 wineglass Batavia Arrack. '/2 glass sbaved ice. Sbake well. Dress with fruits in season, and serve with a straw. Punch—Arrack, Hot. (use hot water glass) 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 or 2 dasbes"lemon juice. % wineglass Arrack. Fill balance of glass with hot water. Stir well. Top off with grated nutmeg, and serve. Punch—Brandy, (use large bar glass) 1 tablespoon sugar, dissolved in a little water. Juice of 1/2 a lemon. 14 wineglass St. Croix Rum. 11/2 wineglasses Brandy. 1 slice pineapple. 1 or 2 slices orange. Fill up glass with chopped ice. Shake well. Dress with fruits in season. Serve with a straw. Punch—Brandy, Hot. (use large bar glass) 1 wineglass Cognac Brandy. Yl wineglass Jamaica Rum. 2 tablespoons sugar. 14 lemon, cut into thin slices. Fill balance of glass with boiling water. Stir well. Top with grated nutmeg. Punch—Brandy and Rum. (use large bar glass) 1 tablespoon powdered sugar, dissolved in a little water. 1 wineglass Santa Cruz Rum.

Yz wineglass Brandy. Juice of Yl lemon. 1 slice orange, cut into quarters. 1 slice pineapple.

Fill balance of tumbler with shaved ice. Shake well. Top with sliced lime or berries in season and serve with a straw. t ]

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