1933 When good fellows get together (Drink and service manual)

Sangaree—Port Wine,(use a small bar glass) 1 or 2 ice cubes. 1 teaspoon sugar. 1 wineglass of Port Wine. Shake well. Remove ice. Top with grated nutmeg, and serve. Sangaree—Porter, (use ale glass) Prepare as Ale Sangaree, substituting Por ter for Ale. Sangaree—Sherry Wine, (use small bar glass) Prepare same as Port Wine Sangaree, sub stituting Sherry for Port Wine. Sangaree—Whiskey, (use small bar glass) Prepare same as Brandy Sangaree, substi tuting Whiskey for Brandy. Shake—Brandy, (use small mixing glass) 1 tablespoon sugar. Juice of 2 limes. 1 wineglass Cognac. Fill glass with shaved ice. Shake well, strain into a small, thin glass, and serve. Shake—Gin. (use small glass) Prepare same as Brandy Shake, substitut ing Gin for Brandy. Shake—^Milk. (use large tumbler) 1 ice cube. 1 tablespoon sugar. Any kind of syrup customer may prefer Fill glass with milk. Mix well in shaker, and serve with a straw. Shake—Rum. (use small glass) Prepare same as Brandy Shake, substitut ing Rum for Brandy. Shake—Whiskey, (use small glass) Prepare same as Brandy Shake, substitut ing Whiskey for Brandy. Shandy Gafl. (use large bar glass) Fill glass half full of Porter and half with Ginger Ale. Lager beer may be substituted for Ale ifpreferred.


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