1934 A Lifetime Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks



Take highball glass into which put I small lump of ice 1 split sparkling water

2 dashes Celery Bitters A little salt Stir well with spoon and serve

Tobie Tobias

! jigger Brandy ! jigger Apricot Brandy Lemon peel

Shake Strain into glass


Tom and Jerry (Use large bowl)

Take the whites of any number of eggs and beat to stiff froth. Add i barspoon sugar to each egg. Beat the yolks of the eggs separate. Stir well together and beat until you have a stiff batter. Add to this as much bicarbonate of soda as will cover a sixpence. Stir up

frequently so that eggs will not sep– arate or settle To serve, put I table–

spoonful of batter into Tom and Jerry mug. I jigger Rum and Brandy mixed. Fill up with boiling water or milk. Grate nutmeg on top, stir and serve

Twentieth Century

Juice of t lime Juice of ! lemon I barspoon of sugar I jigger Bourbon I dash Jamaica Rum

Shake well Strain into highball glass Fill with Ginger Ale or Seltzer.


1 pint Stout

I pint Champagne

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