1934 A Lifetime Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks



I barspoonful sugar 2 lumps of ice I jigger Whisky

I pint Club Soda Stir well and serve

Susie Taylor

Juice of ! lime I jigger Jamaica Rum

I pint Ginger Ale


! jigger White Absinthe l jigger Anisette 1 white of egg

Shake well in shaker, strain in Delmonico glass


f jigger Brandy Shake, strain into long glass

Juice of ! lemon 2 dashes Absinthe I barspoon sugar

i jigger Italian Vermouth Fill with Seltzer

Tea Shake

I jigger of tea I whole fresh egg ! barspoonful sugar

Shake well and strain into Claret glass and serve

Three-Quarter l jigger Yellow Chartreuse l jigger Brandy i jigger Cura~ao Tit Float Cura~ao with little whip cherry in the centre cream on top. Place and serve. a small piece red

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