1934 A Lifetime Collection of 688 Recipes for Drinks



Lord Baltimore Punch

2 dashes Benedictine Shake, strain into goblet Dress with fruit

juice of 2 limes I barspoonful of sugar I jigger of Scotch Whisky

Merry Widow Punch

Juice of t lemon i barspoonful of sugar I jigger Sloe Gin I dash of Vanilla

Shake Strain into goblet with

fine ice and float I barspoonful cream

Milk Punch

I barspoonful sugar ! jigger Bourbon ! jigger- French Brandy 1 dash Rum

Fill m1xmg glass with fresh rich milk. Shake well, strain in lemonade glass and serve little nutmeg on top

Millionaire Punch

Shake well, strain into goblet and decorate wit h fruit I dash Creme de Menthe on top

Juice of I lemon I dash of lime juice I barspoonful of sugar I jigger very best Whisky :z dashes of Grenadine Syrup

Monticello Punch

Sugar to taste Dress with fruit in season

pint imported Cham– pagne


I jigger Brandy i lemon juice

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