1934 Cocktail Bill Boothby's World Drinks and how to mix them



^ Currants

2 pounds Brandy

Vi pint

Sugar Vi pound Cook currants well in quart of water and strain through jelly bag. Cook juice down to 1 quart. Remove from fire and when cool add brandy, sugar, stir well, strain and bottle for use.

DANCERS'CUP (For Twelve) V/^ quarts Brandy


6 jiggers


3 jiggers Seltzer

1 quart

Lemon peel of 1 Crush lemon peel with 1 cube sugar, add lemon juice and place in punch bowl with large lump of ice. Add liquors, stir until chilled, sweeten to taste, add seltzer and serve in punch cups.


Brandy Porter

2 jiggers Sherry 1 quart Lager

2 jiggers

1 quart 1 quart


pound Champagne

Lemon 2, sliced Stir all, except Champagne, in punch bowl with large lump of ice. Add Champagne and serve in punch cups.

DRY PUNCH (For Ten) 1 quart Curacoa 1 quart Lemon


1 jigger

Green Tea

juice of 8

Sugar H pound Dissolve sugar, with lemon juice and tea, in punch bowl. Add large lump of ice, other ingredients, stir until chilled, decorate and serve in punch cups. EGG NOG (For Twenty) Cognac 1 quart Rum 3 jiggers Curacoa 2 jiggers Eggs 12 Sugar 1 pound Milk 3 quarts Nutmeg to taste Separate eggs and beat each well. Stir sugar into beaten yolks, add milk, liquors, stir well and place in punch bowl. Add beaten whites over top and serve in glass punch cupS or small highball glasses.(N. B.: Nutmeg should be provided on the side and added only when wished. A fancy is colored sugar dusted over top in the punch bowl.)

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