1934 Drinks as they were made before Prohibition by Ira D Altschul

Milk Punch.

Use a large mixing glass. Half fill glass with shaved ice. One table spoon sugar. One jigger Brandy.

One-half jigger Rum. Fill glass with milk.

Shake well and strain into a Collins glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top and serve with straws.

Milk Shake.

Use a large mixing glass. Half fill glass with shaved ice. One egg. One spoon sugar. Fill glass with milk. Shake well, strain into a Collins glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top and serve with straws.

Mint Julep.

Use a Collins glass. Dissolve in a little water one cube of sugar. Three or four sprigs of fresh mint. Muddle these together very lightly to extract the essence of mint. Fill glass with shaved ice. Add one jigger Bourbon whiskey. Stir and fill glass to top with more shaved ice. Insert a small bunch of fresh mint, stem down, into the ice. Decorate with fruit and serve with straws.

Mint Julep-a la Potter Hotel.

Use a large mixing glass. A few sprigs of fresh mint.

One spoon sugar. A little water. Muddle these together. Fill glass with shaved ice. Add one jigger Bourbon whiskey. Shake well; strain into a goblet that has been filled with fresh shaved ice. Serve the same as other juleps. Use an old fashion cocktail glass. Two sprigs, of fresh mint, one cube of sugar and a little water. Muddle these together. One lump or cube of ice. Allow customer or guest to pour his own Bourbon whiskey, serving an empty whiskey glass for that purpose. Serve a side of water and a toddy spoon and an individual strainer. Mint Toddy. Use an old fashion cocktail glass. One sprig of fresh mint. One cube of sugar. A little water added and muddle these together. One cube of ice. Serve the same as Mint Smash. Mint Smash.


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