1934 Drinks as they were made before Prohibition by Ira D Altschul

Tom and Jerry.

In a large shallow vessel. Separate the yolks from the whites of one dozen eggs. Beat the yolks, adding powdered sugar while beating until the mixture becomes a rich, thick, heavy batter. Add a tea spoon full of mixed allspice, nutmeg and cinnamon; the more sugar used the bigger the batter becomes; stir in the spices. Beat the whites of the eggs until a stiff frosting is made; take half of the frosting and add to the batter, beating them to gether. Add a tea spoon baking soda. Place the batter in a Tom and Jerry Bowl. The second half of the frosting spread on top of the batter and sprinkle colored sugar and grated nutmeg on top for decorating purposes. To serve. Take a large spoon full of the batter and put it in a Tom and Jerry mug. (China). Add, One-half jigger of Brandy. One-half jigger of Rum. Stir the batter while pouring in the liquor, then Fill mug with boiling water and stir while pouring in the water to keep from curdling. Sprinkle a little nutmeg on top and serve a toddy spoon.


One pint of Champagne. One pint Dublin stout. Pour together in a Collins glass.

Vermuth Frappe.

Fill a sherry glass with shaved ice. Fill with Vermuth. -Either French or Italian. Serve with straws. Vermuth Frappe Hi-Ball. Use a hi-ball glass. Two-thirds full of shaved ice. One jigger Vermuth. Either French or Italian.

Fill with siphon. Serve with straws.


To take whiskey "neat" is to take it "straight". place an empty whiskey glass and a side of water before your customer. place the bottle of whiskey to the right side of the customer and allow him to help himself. Whiskey and Mint. Use an old fashion cocktail glass. Three sprigs of fresh mint. One lump of sugar; a little water. Muddle these together very lightly. One jigger whiskey. One lump of ice. Serve the toddy with a side of water, a toddy spoon and a strainer.


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