1934 Gordon's Cocktail & Food Recipes

Sandwiches and Fillings The choice and preparation of the bread is very important if the sandwich is ·to have "class." Toasting bread should be 1or2 days old, of firm, close texture. Before slicing, re– move crust. Cut slices thin, ~ inch. If loaf does not cut smoothly crosswise, slice length– wise. White bread makes the best toast and is best for sandwiches. Non-toasted sandwich bread should' be 1 day old. . · Toast should be made quickly. A hot fire is necessary to avoid hardening. Charred toast should be discarded or carefully scraped. Butter should be spread uniformly and to the edges. Shape is a matter of taste and style. Bis– cuit and cooky cutters provide some attractive shapes. Small sandwiches are preferable, as they are easy to handle. A sharp knife, after the sandwich is made, can be employed for ·at– tractive and convenient shapes. The preparation of the bread determined– whether Toast or Non-Toast, shaped to suit, one- two- or three-decker-the host can .master his sandwich making from the follow:- 21

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