1934 Harry Johnson's new and improved Bartenders' Manual

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Sarsaparilla, Carbonic Acid, White Eock, Buffalo Lithia, Domestic Ginger Ale, Apollinaris Waters, Imp. Setters Waters, Syphon Setters, Vichy and Carbonic,

Hathorn Waters, Cider, Acid Syphon, Poland Water, Saratoga Vichy, Hunyadi Water, Carlsbad Water, Apenta Water.

64. LIST OP PRINCIPAL SYRUPS. White Gum Syrup, Pineapple Syrup,

Orange Syrup, Orchard Syrup, Orgeat Syrup, Rock Brandy Syrup.

Strawberry Syrup, Kaspberry Syrup, Lemon Syrup,

65. LIST OP PRINCIPAL BITTERS. Bokers (the genuine only), Hostetter's Bitters, Orange Bitters, Boonecamp Bitters, Stoughton Bitters, Sherry Wine Bitters, East India Bitters. Angostura, 66. LIST OP THE PRINCIPAL PRUITS Used in a Cafe. Apples, Peaches, Limes, Grapes, Blackberries, Oranges, Lemons, Pineapples, Strawberries, Preserved Cherries, Olives.

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