1934 Harry Johnson's new and improved Bartenders' Manual

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PORT WINE COBBLER. (Use a large bar glass.

^ tablespoonful of sugar; 1 pony glass of orchard syrup; i wine glass of water, dissolve well with a spoon; Fill the glass with fine ice; 1^ wineglassful of port wine; Mix up well, and ornament with grapes, berries, etc., if in season, in a tasteful manner, and serve.

ROCK AND RYE. (Use a whiskey glass.)

This drink must be very carefully prepared, and care must also be taken to procure the best rock candy syrup as well as the best rye whiskey, this drink being an effective remedy for sore throats, etc. In serving rock and rye, put ^ tablespoonful of rock candy syrup into the-glass, place a spoon in it, and hand the bottle of rye whiskey to the customer, to help himself; a few drops of lemon juice adds to the flavor of this drink, helps to heal sore throats, and makes it more palatable. ^ tablespoonful of sugar; 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice; 1 dash of lime juice; 1 squirt of syphon setters water; Dissolve the sugar and lemon well with a spoon; f of a wine glass filled with finely shaved ice; 1 wine glass of Holland gin; Mix well, strain it into a sour glass, dress with a lit tle fruit in season, and serve. GIN SOUR. (Use a Ifirge bar glass.)

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