1934 Harry Johnson's new and improved Bartenders' Manual

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CHIANTI (RED): From dry to slightly sweet. Alcohol 12% to 13%. Serve at room temperature.


RED BURGUNDIES: Usual names—Beaune, Chambertin, Macon, Nuits St. Georges, Pommard, Richebourg, Volnay. Rich flavor

and heavy body. Alcohol 12% to 15%. RHONE WINES (RED AND WHITE):

Usual names—Chateau Neuf du Pape, Hermitage, Tavel. Drier aiid harsher than Burgundies. Alcohol 10% to 13%. SPARKLING WINE: Usual name—Sparkling Burgundy. Sweeter and richer than other sparkling wines. Alcohol 12% to 14%. Serve thoroughly chilled. Suitable at dessert also. CHAMPAGNE: Doux—very sweet. Sec—sweet, delicate, light taste. Alcohol 13% to 14%. Serve thoroughly chilled. MADEIRA: Light and delicate withmore body than natural wines. Alcohol 18% to 21%. Serve at room temperature. MALAGA: Closely resembles sherry, but is much sweeter and without the characteristic nuttiness. Alcohol 18% to 21%. Serve at room temperature. DESSERT

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