1934 Here's How to be Healthy by B G Hauser
Here's How
It was Goethe who called the blood stream "that very special fluid." The juice of the plant is to the plant what the blood stream is to the body,so that when we drink vegetable juices we really drink the life blood of the plant. We get all its life and vitality in this "very special fluid." Sensitive Stomachs Health Cocktails are a gift from heaven for those who through years of wrong living have weakened their stomachs. Plaintively these people say: "I know I need the minerals and the vitamins of fresh fruits and vegetables. But how can I get them when their bulk and roughage are so irritating to me?" These sufferers have always appealed to my sympathy. Through their own indiscre tions, usually, they have cut themselves oS^ from the greatestsource of health and physi cal well-being—fresh fruits and vegetables. It wastheir common complaint more than anything else that was responsible for the starting of the Health Cocktail therapy in Carlsbad, the famous spa where thousands [12]
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