1934 Here's How to be Healthy by B G Hauser
To Be Healthy
of people from all parts of the world crowd each year to seek relief from stomach and intestinal troubles. Persons with stomach or duodenal ulcers are caught in a vicious circle. They are in desperate need of the minerals and vitamins found in fruits and vegetables. But they must forego this kind of food, because the ulcerated condition of the digestive mem branes is easily irritated by the scratchy, rough bulk fibre in which fruit and vege table juices are held.Thereforethe so-called "bland"diets are prescribed forthem,made up largely of non-irritating mushes and breadstuffs. To be sure, these diets do not cause irritation to the digestive membranes. But patients held strictly to bland, non-irri tating diets never find real health, because thefood they are allowed to eatfails to give them thelife-bringing minerals. Health Cocktails give to these sufferers the minerals and chemicals which they so greatly need, in a form that builds up the blood without causing irritation to their im paired digestive systems. [13]
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