1934 Here's How to be Healthy by B G Hauser
Books By Bengamin Gayelord Hauser
subject of food chemistry is given very little thought by the average indi vidual and yetthe foods we eat and the com binations in which we eat them have every thing in the world to do with our daily health and well being. This volume brings to you vital knowledge which you may use to re-build your body and supply to your muscles, bones, nervous and glandular sys tem, those foods which they require for more efficient functioning. Once you have read this book and are familiar with the principles presented therein, you will be able to balance your own meals and eat for health in a sane and delightful manner with out the fear of becoming a "diet crank." $2.00.
Tempo Books,Inc.,• 580 Fifth Ave.,New York,N.Y.
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