1934 The Masterly Touch

... if it's meat or game A FULL RED WINE

Red winin ore corried and often served from this basket.

Red wines are sorvod in claret glossos at room rompororuro.

. .. if it's poultry A MEDIUM "WHITE" WINE OR FULL RED WINE •

A napkin around the neck of thebotdekeeps wine from dripping.

Desserr w i nos oro served in 2 oz. glosses at room IOmperoluro.

. . . heavy sweet wines EITHER " WHITE" OR RID •

Cordials ore sorvod In liaueur glassos a l room tomporolure.

C.orrv wine gently and never shake 1he boltle.


•soth sherry and champagne ore "white" wines that con be served throughout rhe meal. A dry variety being served first and followed w ith a sweeter one. C hampagne is always chilled ; sherry served either at room temperature or slightly chilled.

lot red wines stand '2-4 .hours before serving.

White w ino always precedes red wines.


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