1934 Tom and Jerry's Bartender's guide

The Complete Buffet Guide, or


CLARET COBBLER. (Use large bar glass.) r teaspoonful sugar, dissolved in one-fourth wine- glass water. '"r slice of orange, cut into quarters. 2 wine-glasses claret. Fill glass with fine ice and dress with fruits. Serve witb..a sti.·aw.

HOCK COBBLER. Same as Catawba, using Hock wine instead.

· PORT WINE COBBLER. (Use . large b?-r glass,)

r teaspoonful powdered sugar. r pony of orchard syrup. Fill glass with shaved ice. r 74 wine-glass port wine. Stir well; dress with 'fruit and serve.

RHINE WINE COBBLER. (Use large bar glass.)

3 tablespoonfuls powdered sugar. l: wine-glass water. 2 wine-glasses Rhine wlne. Fill glass with shaved ice; stir well; ornament with fruits, and serve with a straw.

SAUTERNE COBBLER. (Use large bar glass.)

1 teaspoonful powdered sugar. U wine-glass orchard syrup.

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