1934 Tom and Jerry's Bartender's guide
How to Mix All Kinds ·of Drinks.
U pony fruit syrup. r wine-glass St. Croix or Santa Cruz rum. Sir well. Dress with fruit, orange or pineapple. Serve with a straw.
WHISKY FIX. (Use large bar glass.)
I glass shaved ice. r teasroonful powdered white sugar. Juice of half a lemon. U pony pineapple "or any fruit syrup. 1 wine-glass whisky. ' Add orange or pineapple cut small. Stir well and dress with fruit. Serve with a straw.
BRANDY FIZZ. (Use medium bar glass.) c teaspoonful powdered white sugar. Juice of half a lemon. c wine-glass brandy.
r or 2 dashes of white of egg. '}-f glass shaved i e. Shake well. Strain into a fizz glass; fill up with Seltzer or Apol– l...i.aris wat er. This must be imbibed immediately.
GIN FIZZ. (Use medium bar glass.)
1 t easpoonful powdered sugar. ,3 or 4 dashes lemon juice. 1 wine-~lass Oid Tom or Holland gin.
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