1934 Tom and Jerry's Bartender's guide

How to lvlix All K inds of Drinks.


drink while it is foaming . This is a very pleasant beverage for a morning drink, and a gentle purge fo r the bowels. BENEDICTINE. Place a whisky glass on the bar , bottom sicle up, then put a pony glass on top and fill it with Benedic- tine and serve. ยทยท

PEACH AND HONEY. (Use srnaU bar_ glass.)

I tablespoon honey. I wine-glass peach brandy; stir well with a spoon; serve.

PORT WINE NEGUS. (Use a small bar glass.)

~ tablespoon powdered suga r. 1 wine-glass Port wine. Fill glass one-third full of hot water. Grate a little nutmeg on top. Serve.


One-fifth Maras.chino. I-5 Curacoa. l-5 green Chartreuse.

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l-5 Ainsette. l-5 Brandy. Keep the colors separate. Bum.

PAREE POUSSE CAFE. (Use sherry wine-glass.) .

glass Benedictine, or Chartreuse.


l-3 gl ass Curacoa.

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