1934 Tom and Jerry's Bartender's guide

How to 1Vlix All Kinds of Drinks.


1 teaspoonful powdered sugar. Stir well; give a dash of Port wine on top, and Gerve. GIN SANGAREE. ~ teaspoonful powdered sugar in a little wat-..r 1 wine-glass Holland gill. K glass shaved ice. Stir with a spoon; put about a teaspoon of sherry on top, and serve.

PORTER SANGAREE. (Use large bar glass.)

I teaspoonful powdered sugar. X glass shaved ice. Fill up with porter. Stir well; grate nutmeg on top, and serve.

PORT WINE SANGAREE. (Use small bar glass.)

K glass shaved ice. 1 teaspoonful powdered sugar. 1 .~ wine-glass Port wine. Shake well; grate a little nutmeg on top; serve

SHERRY WINE SANGAREE. (Use whisky glass.)

1 teaspoonful powdered sugar. K glass shaved ice. I wine-glass sheriy. Shake well; grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.

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