1934 Tom and Jerry's Bartender's guide

How to Mix All Kinds of Drinks.


Attention must be paid not to let the foam of t he soda ·spread over the glass; this drink must be drank as soon as mixed. BRACE UP. (Use a 1arge bar glass.) 1 tablespoonful of powdered sugar. 2 or 3 dashes of bitters, Angostura or Baker's. 2 or 3 dashes of lemon juice.

1 dash of lime juice. 2 dashes of Anisette. 1 fresh egg. U glass of bram.dy. . .U glass of shaved ice.

Shake this up thoroughly in a shaker, strain it into a large glass. and fill with Seltzer, Vichy or Apolli– naris water and serve.

CRIMEAN CUP A LA MARMORA. (Use a bowl for mixing.)

1' 1

.~ pint of Orgeat syrup. 1- 3 pi::-1t of Cognac.

:U pint of Maraschino. }( pint of J amaica rum. r bottle of champagne. 1 bottle of soda'.. 3 ounces of sugar. 2 lemons and 2 oranges, cut in thin slices. A few slices of pineapple, cut very t hin. Stir up well with a ladle, then place it into your dish filled with shaved ice, and serve.

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