1934 What Shall We Drink by Magnus Bredenbek

Mixed Drinks


BRUNSWICK COOLER Into a large goblet pour the juice of one lemon and a tablespoon of "gum," Mix well and add one ounce of fine Rye Whisky,filling glass with ice cold ginger ale. Top with DIZZY SOUR For a Dizzy Sour you require the shaker. Into it pour one and a half ounces of Whisky and a teaspoon of Benedictine. Half fill with cracked ice to make thoroughly cold. Now mash a half lemon in a separate httle bowl,grinding into it a teaspoon of granulated or powdered sugar until sugar is dissolved. Put the entire noiixture into the shaker and shake thoroughly. Strain offinto small glass and top with a quarter shce orange, lemon or piece of pineapple. Then float, as in pousse cafe, a tablespoon of rum on top. Don't drink too many! It's a dizzy drhik, as its name impUes. MULLED ALE FiU a mug three quarters full with ale. Into the ale thrust directly in the center a white hot iron. The ale wUl tend to bubble, but remove iron before ale goes over top and drink. PORTER SANGAREE Into an ale glass pour to within an inch of the top of glass some good old Porter. Add a tablespoon of "gum," stir thoroughly and crown with a pinch of powdered nutmeg. RHINE WINE COBBLER Germans are very fond of this Rhine Wine Cobbler, and with good reason. Use a large goblet and pour into it a tablespoon of "gum," add five ounces of Rhine Wine, fill glass with fine ice, stir and top with fruits in season. Imbibe through straws. MOSELLE COBBLER Do as in Rhine Wine Cobbler.


Do asin Rhine Wine Cobbler.

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