1934 What Shall We Drink by Magnus Bredenbek
S6 What Shall We Drink? add two ounces of brandy, an ounce of rum and a half tea spoon of strained lemon juice. Sweeten to taste and stir vigorously with spoon. Now fill glass with finely shaved ice, decorate with fruits in season and imbibe through straw or glass sippers. MAKING A NECTAR PUNCH The Nectar Punch requires more than ordinary time and care in preparing,but it's worth it! Cut off peels(yellow part only) of a dozen lemons and steep in porcelain pot for two full days in five piuts of rum. Then add two quarts of chilled water or carbonated water if you fike,and the strained juice of the lemons. Now pour in two quarts of boihng hot milk,stirring vigorously as you now sift into the mixture one finely grated nutmeg. Cover the pot closely and let stand for twenty-four hours. Then stir in not quite three pounds of granulated sugar,strain through musfin,into punch bowl, ready for use, or bottle if you wish it later. Enough here for 30 to 40 drinks. MIXING A PUNCHIMPERIAL The Punch Imperial is defightful. Let's make enough for a nineteenth hole quartet after a warm round of golf. Have the steward produce pronto a large pitcher and four high slender goblets. The pitcher should have a generous supply of cracked ice to chill one bottle of Claret and a quart bottle of seltzer or carbonated water; four pinches of pow dered nutmeg, two ounces of Maraschino cordial, a few thinly sliced sfivers of cucumber rind,"gum" to suit taste, and a dash of Arrack for good measure. Stir thoroughly and serve. You'll feel hke another round—of golf, perhaps! MAKING AN OLD-FASHIONED MILKPUNCH The Old-Fashioned Milk Punch certainly will renew its popularity in the post-Prohibition era. You must know how to make it,so here's the little secret:Into a large goblet pour an ounce and a half of brandy and the same amount of rum.
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