1935 Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book
One jigger Whiskey Stir well; fruit
ROOSEVELT Juice of one-half Lemon One-half spoon Sugar One jigger Apple Whiskey
Ice; shake; strain on Fruit in glass Nothing to do with the New Deal; named to com– pliment the author of the Square Ditto.
Juice of one-half Lemon One-half spoon Sugar One jigger Rum Ice; shake; strain on Fruit in glass
ST. CROIX Juice of one-half Lemon One spoon Sugar One jigger St. Croix Rum
Ice; shake; strain on Fruit in glass
SANTIAGO Juice of one-half Lemon One-half spoon Sugar One pony of Water One jigger Whiskey_
Ice; stir well; stuffed Olive in glass
SOUTHERN St. Croix Sour, with Claret on top
Juice of one-half Lemon One-half spoon Sugar One-half pony of Water One jigger Whiskey Ice; stir well; strain; fruit
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