1935 Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book



FANCY POTATIONS AND OTHERWISE * Note: The type of serving-glass appears in parenthesis at the end of one line of most formulas.

COBBLERS CoBBLER: A summer drink made of iced wine, sugar, fruit juices, etc. [U.S.] CLARET One spoon Sugar Two ponies of Water

..One and one-half jiggers Claret Fill with Ice; fruit well (goblet)

NARRAGANSETT Whole peel of Orange Juice of one Orange One jigger Whiskey One bottle Ginger Ale Stir (Collins glass) SHERRY One-fourth spoon Sugar One pony of Water

One and one-half jigger Sherry Stir; fill with Ice-; fruit (goblet) COOLERS

CooLER: A refreshing beverage-supposed to illustrate its name.

BOSTON Juice one-half Lemon One-quarter spoon Sugar * In "!>rinks from Other Climes" will be found numerous other classified and miscellaneous mixed drinks.

Made with