1935 Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book

OLD WALDORF-ASTORIA BAR BOOK siastic women, upon his return from Cuban waters, came near dimming the faine of Lieut. Commander Richard Pearson Hobson, U.S.N., who had sunk the collier Merrimac in a heroic effort to bottle up the Spanish fleet in Santiago harbor, during the Spanish-American War. MINEHEART Equal portions, Raspberry Syrup, Pine– apple Juice, Lemon Juice, Orange Juice, Red Currant Juice Stir; add Ice; fill with Water Add sliced bananas and whole straw– berries FIZZES Fizz : An effervescing beverage, named, Qnomatopoetically, from the noise. BALTIMORE BRACER One-half pony Anisette One-half pony Brandy White of one Egg (fizz glass) Frappe; fizz with Carbonic


One dash Raspberry One dash Maraschino One spoon Lemon Juice

One jigger Tom Gin (lemonade) Ice; shake; strain; fill with Seltzer Juice one-half Lemon One-half spoon Sugar One pony Raspberry Syrup One and one-half jigger Rhine Wine


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