1935 Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book
One pony of Water Press well and add jigger Whiskey Ice; stir; strain well
POUSSE CAFES One-third Maraschino Yolk of one Egg Cover with Vanilla Fill with Brandy
Equal parts of Grenadine, Mara– schino, Green Creme de Menthe, Yellow Chartreuse, Cura~o and Brandy One seventh each, Raspberry Syrup, Anisette, Parfait d'Amour, Creme Yvette, Yellow Char– treuse, Green Chartreuse and Brandy (Sherry glass)
PUNCHES- Contrary to common belief, the punch is not exactly an English invention. In its original form the word was the Sanskrit poncho, meaning ".five." The Hindus used .five ingredients to make what they called ponclz,--Arrack, tea, sugar, water and lemon. Some attribute its importation into England, not to early British travelers in the Orient, but to the British East India Company, in its efforts to popu– larize tea. If that looks a bit far-fetched, in modern punches the rule of five ingredients does not always apply. In addition to the various punches served at the Old Waldorf- .-1/. : ,. ·.. Astoria, several scores o.f others are made in various parts of ~he w~rld. ,f;::>.~: ._ .:-· He or she who complains of lack of "punch" among the drinks hsted : K' -~- in this book is advised to consult a standard book of punch recipes. ~» ·_ .; :~:- > · ~
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