1935 So Red the Nose or Breath in the Afternoon

Virginia Faulkner^» THE BARBARIANS Cocktail


Pour into Cocktail Shaker and Shake as Though You Were a Terrier with a Dead Rat

LADiES are présent," writes the optimistic Virginia, H "it is a pretty courtesy to serve this drink in a punch bowl with the addition of divers melon balls for which the ladies can bob. "Drink this in countries where julep-time has something to do with bulbs and perennials, and you yourself are too lazy to go ont and rake through the native flora for sprigs of mint or pungent sweetgrass. "If, gentlemen, you believe this is no drink even for The Barbarians, ûitn I nominate the milk punch, which stands by you through thick and thin, and is the perfect noggin for the Usher Who Forgot Himself: iy2 JIGGERS BOURBON IN A TALL GLASS. 3 LUMPS OF ICE SERVE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Virginia Faulkner, whose sadistic impulses are a «TO trifle more subtle than William's, says that lier only eccentricities are (a) making money, (b) spending it, and (c) talking about wliat she would do if she were I you. Her favorite pastime is sitting in a chair. 1 TABLESPOON SUGAR FILL GLASS WITH MII.K 173/


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