1935 So Red the Nose or Breath in the Afternoon

Bervey Aliènes


To 2 measures of Barbacloes Rum mix i of lime juice, a clash of bitters, and a small quantity of brown sugar to taste and a strong dash of brandy. Ice. Shake well and serve immediately. Hervey ALLEN, the Anthony Adverse of American letters, bas leapt about the globe, and dashed from experience to experience with somewhat the casual abandon that marked bis famous hero. Born in Pittsburgh in 1889, he attended varions schools, entered the United States Naval Academy but was forced to withdraw due to overstrain in athletics. He took bis Bachelor of Science degree in économies at the University of Pittsburgh, did publicity work for the Bell Téléphoné Company, and in 1915 enlistedin the National Guard and saw active service alon^ the Mexican border. In 1916 he published Ballads of the Border, thus launchino^ a colorful career in literature. Our entrance into the Great War furnished him an opportunity to see France from a car marked 40 Hommes, 8 Chevaux. As first lieutenant of infantry in France he was wounded in the fighting about Fismes, and was again invalided from the Front during the Argonnê-Meuse drive. After the war he continued to write prose and poetry, finished bis war diary Townrd the Flame, and helped to revive Southern letters, taught at Columbia and in 1926 was in the Bahamas, where he sailed about the islands in an old sponging schooner looking for a place to live. He was temporarily dissuaded by a hurricane which ail but wrecked the boat. The sale ol Anthony Adverse, in ail countries, bas now passed the 1,000,000 mark, despite the fact that it made its début during the worst year of the dépression.

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