1935 The Barkeeper's Golden Book by O Blunier

dul> Coclttails



frhe Club Cocktail is a drink, to be served on the table before dinner, very often instead of hors-d'oeuvre or soup. This Cocktail, fine in colouring, is nourishing and very effective as a stimulant conducive to gaiety. As a complement to the food it will add much to the enjoyment of the guest, and reputation of the host. For these reasons the Club Cocktail is highly recommended. The Club Cocktail must be well shaken during its preparation and the 3 pieces of ice in the shaker (mixing cup) are absolutely necessary, in order to give this classical drink its colour and foaming originality. Use the Cocktail glass as measure and serve in small or large Ballon. Lie Cocktail-Club est une des boissons servies a table avant diner et souvent a la place des hors-d'oeuvre et du potage. On le sert & son invite a la table a manger. Ce Cocktail non seulement est tres beau a voir et nourrissant, mais il produit, en sa qualite de stimu lant, un effet de cordialite sur les convives et souligne par I'in- fluence du bien-etre general le soin apporte aux mets. Il augmente le renom de I'etablissement. Il est vraiment indispensable que I'on recommande beaucoup plus ces Cocktails-Clubs. Le Cocktail-Club doit etre energiquement frappe dans le shaker. Il ne faut done en


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