1935 The Barkeeper's Golden Book by O Blunier



Hisrli Balls

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By High Ball we unterstand a so-called long drink. A Drink in a medium-long glass, which has been called for a long time «High Ball Glass». Formerly a High Ball was simply a "Whisky Soda, filled up with Ginger Ale and was called Ginger Ale High Ball. Recently all drinks of this kind are calledAperitif-High Balls. On the Continent and in Latin countries these aperitif drinks are especially well known. Besides the usual lump of ice it contains a piece of lemon peel, the juice of a second piece of lemon peel being squeezed over the drink. These Aperitifs always bear the name of the respective liquor, "Wine, or Alcoholic Preparation. An exception is made, however, when various such liquors are comb ined and of these the author will include some in his recipes. Use Portwineglass as measure. High Ball designe un long Drink, boisson servie dans le verre mi- haut denomme depuis tres longtemps dans la nomenclature des verres le «High Ball». Autrefois un High Ball ne designait qu'un simple "Whisky Soda, balance avec du Ginger Ale on le nommait «Ginger Ale High Ball». Maintenant on appelle toutes les boissons arrosees de cette maniere «Aperitifs High Balls». Get aperitif est originaire du continent et des pays latins. II y est tres repandu, con-

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