1935 The Barkeeper's Golden Book by O Blunier


The Sangaree is a relation to the Rickey, with the difference, that not only are the usual spirits, like Gin, Brandy or Whisky used, but also Southern Wines, English beers. Ale and Porter, sugared, strewn with nutmeg and without ice. Sangarees mixed with Spirits and Wines are served in small tumblers, those with beer however in medium or even large tumblers. Beer-Sangarees are also served hot, however they need great care while boiling. They must be taken off the fire as soon as they reach the boiling-point. In regard to the origin of the Sangaree various views exist. It very probably originated in India. It is also thought that it was used in the Southern States of the U. S. A. for the wounded and for patients. The name is supposed to be derived from Sangari = a blood-drink. lie Sangaree est un parent proche du Rickey, avec la seule diffe rence que I'on y emploie non seulement les spiritueux ordinaires, tels que Gin, Brandy, Whisky, mais egalement les vins du sud et les bieres anglaises, les Ales et le Porter sucre, poudre de muscade et sans glace. Les Sangarees melanges avec des spiritueux et des vins sont servis dans le petit Tumbler, ceux a base de biere dans le Tumbler moyen ou meme grand. Les Sangarees a biere sont aussi servis chauds, exigent une main sure pour la cuisson et doivent etre retires du feu au moment de I'ebullition. Quant a I'origine des Sangarees on n'est point tombe d'accord. On pretend qu'ils ressortent des Indes. Mais on dit aussi qu'ils ont servi aux soins que I'on portait aux soldats blesses et malades des Etats du Sud.


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